
Public SFW

Gender Title/Audio Link Tags
[M4F] Edit Sober [Series: Edit Sober] [Finale] and [Epilogue] [11:29]
[M4F] Eloquence, Part 2 [Series: Edit Sober] [Kissing] [Banter] [Fluff] before [Breakfast] [8:41]
[M4F] Acknowledgement, Part 1 [Series: Edit Sober] [Professor] and [Postgrad Student] [Argue] about [Previous Night] a little [Yelling] [Confession] [Kissing] [Where's the Bed?] [9:23]
[M4F] Familiarity [DD/lg] [Babygirl] [Polyamorous] [Stood Up] [Comfort] [Emotional Support] [Protective] [11:13]
[M4F] Write Drunk [Series: Edit Sober] [Drunk] [Professor] receives [Surprise] [Visit] from [TA]/[Research Partner] [Tension] [14:14]
[M4F] Talent [Series: Edit Sober] [Professor] [Attempts] to [Apologize] [Argument] about [Talent] and [Jealousy] [12:14]
[M4F] Professional Pride [Series: Edit Sober] [Professor] [Grading] [Papers] in [Office] [After Hours] [Bad Day] [Casual] [Conversation] [Banter] turns [Sour] [Jealous] [12:13]
[M4F] Waiter [Stood Up] [Join Your Table] [Casual Conversation] [Banter] [Flirting] [10:14]
[M4F] Appearances [Series: Edit Sober] [Professor] [Hires] you as [TA] and [Research Assistant] [Formally] [7:26]
[M4F] The Box [Series: Edit Sober] [Drunk] [Professor] [Recruits] his [Postgrad Student] for [Literary Work] [9:41]
[M4F] Social Contract [In Bed] [Bothered] by [Attention]-starved [Brat] [10:55]
[M4F] Monday [Complaining] [In Bed] [As Usual] [Capitalism] [10:42]
[M4F] Donor [Best Friend] [Comfort]s [Married] listener [Trying] to get [Pregnant] [Slow Burn] [11:57]
[M4F] Airdryer [Daddy] mention [Teasing] [Seducing] via [Towel] [Lap Sitting] [Touching] [Teasing] [10:02]
[M4F] Osmosis [Classmates] in the [Library] [Softly Spoken] [Slow Burn] [Teasing] [8:28]
[M4F] Snow Angel [Series: Soft Spot] [L-BOMB] light [DD/lg] elements [Comfy] [Cozy] [Cuddling] on [Christmas] ft. [Lo-Fi] [17:07]
[M4F] Berenstein Chicken [DD/lg] [Terms] [Daddy] [Kitten] [Goofball] [Cooking Channel] on the [Couch] [10:28]
[M4A] Order, Part 1 [Light] [Romance] [Sci-Fi] [Space] [Faring] [Soldiers] off to [War] [Cryosleep] [10:02]
[M4F] Ladies First, Part 1 [DD/lg] [Goofball] [Dared] to [Stay] in [Haunted House] but really [Alone Time] [Making Out] [11:29]
[M4F] Distress, Part 1 [Friend] in a [Cutthroat] [Corporate] [World] [10:23]
[M4A] Archaeology, Part 1 [Archaeologists] [Investigate] [Dark] [Arkham]esque [Ancient Tomb] [10:14]
[M4A] Behind Enemy Lines, Part 1 [Wounded Soldier] [Rescued] by [Enemy Civilian] [10:57]
[M4F] Doll [Yandere] [Captor] keeps you [Tied Up] in [Bedroom] [Sweet]? [Creepy] [10:15]
[M4F] Two Princes, Part 1 [Soldier] delivering [Princess]-to-be for [Arranged Marriage] for [Peace] [10:09]
[M4F] Juice [SFW]ish [DD/lg] some [Teasing] [Kissing] [Lap Sitting] and [Grinding] [Good Girl] [10:22]
[M4M] Loads [SFW]ish [Friends] to [Lovers] brief [Gentle] [MDom] [Banter] [Teasing] [Nervous] [Stripping] [Rubbing] [9:54]
[M4M] Good Start [SFW]ish [Gentle] [MDom] [DD/lb] [Teasing] via [Rubbing] [Over the Sheets] [Dirty Talk] [Encouragement] to be [Vocal] [Good Boy] [10:25]
[M4M] Fair Share [SFW]ish [New Roommate] and [Friend] offering [Alternative Payment] [Flirting] and brief [Seduction] [10:24]
[M4M] One on One [Friends] [Hang Out] in [Humid] [Heat] [Awakening] [Confession] [Kiss] [10:17]
[M4M] Benched [SFW]ish [MDom] [Boyfriend] [Teasing] via [Dirty Talk] [Rubbing] and [Kissing] [After the Game] [Good Boy] [9:56]
[M4M] Stargazers [Lying in the Grass] [Small Talk] with [Hints] and some light [Flirting] then [Confession] [Kiss] [11:16]
[M4F] Carpool [Acquaintances] to [Lovers] [Set Up] by [Friends] [10:45]
[M4F] Universal Currency [SFW]ish [Bounty Hunter] and [Prey] [Bondage] [Teasing] [Long Term Denial] as [Interrogation] tactic [10:23]
[M4F] Her [L-BOMBS] [BFE] aka [Boyfriend Experience] but you're my [AI] [Sweet] a little too [Philosophical] [10:25]
[M4F] Guest Room [SFW]ish [Secret] [FWB] [Teasing] [Flirting] [Don't Get Caught] [Groping] [10:16]
[M4F] Elastic [Angst] via [Breakup] because you're [Moving Away] [10:07]
[M4F] Caffeine [SFW]ish [MSub] [Sleepy] and trying to go to [Bed] but [Teased] by [Miss] via [Grinding] [Please] eventual [Begging] [Whining] [10:24]
[M4F] Orbit [Drunk] at a [House] [Party] [Banter] then [Whoops] [Confession] [Kiss] [9:52]
[M4F] Spectacle [SFW]ish [DD/lg] lite [Teasing] [Grinding] [Kissing] [Rule Setting] [Hard to Get] [Bad Girl] [Good Girl] [10:04]
[M4A] Anhedonia [L-BOMBS] [Sci-Fi] [Dystopian] [Near Future] [Desperation] in times of [Financial Crisis] via [Drug Trials] [10:08]
[M4F] Hard Semester [SFW]ish [Teasing] in [Class] [Rubbing] [Over the Clothes] some small [Moans] [10:24]
[M4A] Come Down [L-BOMB] [Awaiting] the [Apocalypse] [Together] [Rain] a dab of [Romance] [10:19]
[M4F] Exchanging Room [SFW]ish [MDom] [Teasing] as you [Try On Dresses] [Dressing Room] [10:17]
[M4F] Phase One [Elden Ring] with [Daddy] [10:18]
[M4F] Closing Time [Coworkers] [Closing] [Late at Night] [Break Room] [Netflix] and chill? [10:58]
[M4F] Jungle Gym [Lazy] [Daddy] finally tries to [Work] [Kitten] has other ideas [Teasing] [Brat] [Good Girl] [10:30]
[M4F] Tropical [Friends] go on [Vacation] [Airbnb] by the [Ocean] at [Night] [11:14]
[M4F] Power Dynamics [Bored] [FWB] [Ruminate] on and [Philosophize] about [Loss of Electricity] ...well, mostly, I do [Good Girl] [10:47]
[M4F] Sociology [Picking You Up] from [Your Parents'] to return to [School] [Unwittingly] [Pretending] to be your [Boyfriend] [10:19]
[M4F] Appetite [Caught] [Watching Porn] [Teasing] [Encouragement] [Good Girl] [10:42]
[M4F] Animu [Hotel] after getting [Lost] on a [Road Trip] to a [Convention] a little [Tension] [Kiss] [13:52]
[M4F] Epilogue [Series: ?] [L-BOMB] [DD/lg] [Goofball] [Stuck] in the [Car] [Snowstorm] [14:34]
[M4F] Your Type [Series: A Scheming Heart] [Friend] [Begrudgingly] [Takes You On A Date] [Forced Dancing] extreme [Embarrassment] [Begging] [Threats] [Confession] [11:52]
[M4F] Loopy [Series: A Scheming Heart] [Friend] [Taking Care of You] while you're [Sick] [Banter] [Soup] [Water] [Taking Temperature] [Staying Over] [10:25]
[M4F] Simple Things [MDom] [Friend] [Comfort]s you after potential [Breakup] [Tension] [Lap Sitting] [Grinding] [Being Responsible]...ish [12:33]
[M4F] Shambles [Series: A Scheming Heart] [Friend] kinda [Comfort]s you after being [Stood Up] on [Dinner Date] [Banter] [10:20]
[M4F] Anything Goes [DD/lg] [Kitten] at [Restaurant] for [Valentine's Day] [Public] [Teasing] [Over the Clothes] [10:01]
[M4F] Blind Dates [Enemies] [Set Up] on [Double Date] [Banter]/[Shit Talking] [Annoyance] [Plotting] [Kissing] to sell it [10:48]
[M4F] Relentless [Big Brother's Friend] [Teasing] about a [Crush] [Whispering] [Good Girl] [10:18]
[M4F] Face Value [Series: A Scheming Heart] [Friend] makes you [Stay] because of [Weather] [Banter] [Casual] [Cuddling] [Hair Playing] [Head on Lap] [10:34]
[M4F] The Usual [Flirtatious] [Bartender] and [Patron] [Compliments] and [Playful] [Banter] [Kiss] [11:13]
[M4F] RSVP [L-BOMBS] [Unrequited] [Love] [Angst] [Regret] [Sad] [10:08]
[M4F] Slump [Late Night]/[Early Morning] [Discord Call] for [Company] [Sleepy] [Grumpy] [Banter] [Roasting] [Concern] [MMO] references including [Healslut] [11:32]
[M4F] Bamboozled [Series: A Scheming Heart] [Friend] cashing in an [IOU] kinda [Tricked] into a [Date] [10:12]
[M4F] Conditioner [DD/lg] [Kitten] [Sweet] [Tucked In] after [Movie Night] [Banter] [Cuddling] [Kissing] [Good Girl] ft. [Lo-fi] [11:05]
[M4F] Informal [Friend] [Comfort]s you about a [Bad Date] low key [Cuddling] a single [Good Girl] [10:31]
[M4F] Inadmissible [Roommates]/[Friends] [Getting Ready] for a [Date] [Banter] [Teasing] [Kiss] [New Plan] [11:03]
[M4F] Entertainment [Staying the Night] with your old [Friend] [Goofball] becomes [Nervous] amidst [Pressured] [Confession] [Kiss] [12:32]
[M4F] Sunday Best [Throwback] [4/4/21] [Roommates]/[Friends] have serious [Tension] on [Easter] [10:54]
[M4A] Pressurized [Throwback] [3/31/21] [Dystopian] [Science Fiction] [Pirate] and [Cryptographer]/[Scientist] [Abandoned Ship] [11:48]
[M4A] Scarlet [Throwback] [3/17/21] [Mercenary] and [Soldier] [Morality] exploration via [War]s [13:12]
[M4F] Honey [Throwback] [1/31/21] [Serial] [Killing] [Couple] is a [Magic Act] [10:06]
[M4F] Signature [Throwback] [11/8/20] [Painter] and [Muse] [Modeling] [14:17]
[M4A] Overcoat [Throwback] [11/5/20] [Psychological] [Thriller]/[Horror] [Fear] of the [Paranormal] [Presence] in [Pictures] [18:01]
[M4A] Testify [Throwback] [10/22/20] [L-BOMBS] [Yandere] [Homicide] [Detective] [Serial] [Killer] [Monologue] [18:59]
[M4F] Inside Voice [Throwback] [10/18/20] [Nervous] [First Time Meeting] [Long Distance Relationship] [15:11]
[M4A] Betwixt [Throwback] [10/8/20] [Strange] [Bar] and [Bartender] [Keep You Company] [25:33]
[M4F] Substance [Throwback] [10/4/20] [College] [Classmate] [Tension] [Confession] and [Kissing] [17:34]
[M4A] Itch [Throwback] [10/1/20] [Walking] in a [Forest] during a [Harvest Moon] turns [Supernatural] [Heavy Sound Effects] [9:58]